Friday, February 02, 2007

Gore Nobel Nomination Fervor ... A Few Sore Republicans Speak Out

From The Tennessean, when asking people to comment on former V.P. Al Gore's recent nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize:
"I can't see it, myself," A.J. McCall, head of the Wilson County Republican Party, said of An Inconvenient Truth. "I've read too much about the global warming, and there's no basis for their conclusions, there's no science around it. It's just all politically motivated. I think what that tells us is that the Nobel Prize is a prize for being liberal, and not for doing anything that is productive.

I'd like to refer Mr. A.J. McCall to today's Associated Press story out of Paris:
Scientists from 113 countries issued a landmark report Friday saying they have little doubt global warming is caused by man, and predicting that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level will “continue for centuries” no matter how much humans control their pollution.

A.J., I prefer to take the word of a couple hundred scientists who have been studying this issue for the last couple decades. How about you stick to the furniture business and we'll leave climate crisis analysis up to the scientists. And as far as the Nobel Prize being a "prize for being liberal and not for doing anything that is productive," I guess that means President Theodore Roosevelt, President Woodrow Wilson, Secretary of States Cordell Hull and Henry Kissinger were all just a bunch of tree-hugging, gay-loving, do-nothing, flaming liberals?

Of course, if that wasn't enough, there was the state Republican Party Chairman, Bob Davis:
Plenty of people are worthy of getting the prize, said Bob Davis, head of the state Republican Party. "I guess Vice President Gore has convinced the Norwegians that he meets the standards for receiving this award."

Yes, Bob. He's definitely convinced Norway. He's also convinced a couple million others across the planet Earth as well. But let me make my prediction now. If Tennessee Republicans think like these two, and if Republicans across the country speak like these two, then 2008 looks to be an even better year for Democrats.

The country is tired of this same childish rhetoric coming out of the mouths of political party leaders and members. Far be it from me to say the Democratic Party doesn't have its share or Republican haters and loose-lipped speakers. We have plenty to go around. But the majority of Americans are tired of this "Fox News" style of speaking. Sore losers AND winners are not attractive and do not inspire confidence.

So boys, the next time you get the urge to bash I recommend the phrase "No Comment."


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