Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We've Seen This Movie Before, Mr. Bush

Merriam-Webster defines the term "deja vu" as the feeling that one has seen or heard something before.

As I watched my beloved Countdown with Keith Olbermann last night and woke up to the morning news shows, I had this strange feeling like I was reliving the last couple of years all over again. From the trial of I. "Scooter" Libby replaying the details of the Valerie Plame scandal, to "new evidence" being offered by the Bush's administration that a rogue, Middle East country is attacking or threatening to attack the United States. This time, however, replace the "Q" with a "N." And for good measure, British police apprehended a group of men allegedly planning to conduct "Iraq-style" terrorism in the United Kingdom.

That's when it hit me. I think I've seen this movie already. Yeah, I'm sure of it. Only last time it was Iraq and nukes, not Iran and soldiers. And the round up of alleged terrorists in the UK last time only led to the release of nearly all of them for lack of evidence. But it made many parts of the world nervous again, wondering when the next attack will come.

To the president's displeasure, however, the "breakup" of the cell in Britain didn't do enough to keep Congress in the hands of the Republicans.

But this script, this regular routine of lies and deceit followed by an "event" that causes serious alarm and concern, seems to be the only card this administration has to play and now it's getting to the point where no one knows what's a real threat and what is a politically motivated lie.

You have cried wolf six too many times, Mr. President, and now our country doesn't know who or what to believe.

We are like passengers on the Titanic, realizing that we've hit an iceberg, but are just now coming to terms with the fact that our captain is to blame. But instead of you asking for forgiveness for your deadly mistakes, you just keep the engines churning. And the next iceberg ahead, Iran, may be even more disastrous to this nation.

Stop this madness, King George! Stop this right now. And if you will not stop, then I hope to God that Congress will do it for you.

You have done nothing for this country, for even your own political party, except divide and destroy. You have made this nation focus on the dark and destructive elements of humanity, and not the hope and imagination of this world. You have tried to recreate this country in your own image, but you sir are NOT God. We are one nation under God, not two nations under you.

Those few Republicans reading this, I beg you to write your congressman or senator and ask them to stand up to this Executive Branch. Democrats, we must keep our representatives feet to the fire and make them demand answers.

And while we keep waiting for 2008 and hoping for better days, we must not let this country fall any further into the depths of deception and despair before we get there. We cannot simply hold out until then. This is OUR country and we must take it back!


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