Thursday, February 01, 2007

A New Terrorist Threat? We're doomed!

This topic really doesn't have any direct connection to politics, though a few politicians are already speaking out, but it is connected to our generation and I wanted to throw my two cents in on yesterday's "bomb scare" in Boston. Turns out the Mooninites are a new terrorists cell that Homeland Security wasn't aware of, and thanks to a few "Lite-Bright" like promotional boxes Homeland Security now knows more than they ever wanted to know. In case you're not familiar with the Mooninite cell, here is a photo of their two leaders:

Pretty scary, huh? Yeah, they look rather dangerous. So far Homeland Security has been able to determine that only one group of individuals in the United States has had success in stopping the Mooninite threat. They are known as Aqua Teen Hunger Force and are featured in the photo below:

If for some reason you haven't figured out the joke, these photos are from characters in the popular Adult Swim Cartoon, Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It is the story of a "Frylock," his buddy "Shake," and a wad of meat called ... wait for it ... "Meatwad." It would take way too long to explain, but just trust me when I say it's funny.

In an attempt to promote the upcoming "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" movie, Cartoon Network enlisted the help of these electronic devices:

Basically a 80's-style "Lite-Bright" with 4 "D" batteries. This marketing team decided it would be a good idea to place these illuminated boxes at different points throughout a number of major cities including Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, and Seattle. (Rather sad Nashville didn't make it.) These devices have been out and viewable for nearly 10 days, but yesterday someone in Boston got a bug up his or her butt and decided to make a call to the police.

After shutting down parts of Boston for up to half a day, and blowing up a few of the "Lite-Brights" for security reasons, the truth of the promotion was discovered. Ok, so egg on the face of the hundreds of Homeland Security personnel who couldn't see this was just too silly to be true.

Oh but one gets away with making Homeland Security, the city of Boston, or even a few elected leaders look foolish. No no, someone has to pay for this stupid and it won't be the ones who bought into the delusion of terroristic grandure. This from (Parent company Turner Broadcasting who, yep, owns Cartoon Network)

Peter Berdovsky, 27, a freelance video artist from Arlington, Massachusetts, and Sean Stevens, 28, were facing charges of placing a hoax device in a way that results in panic, as well as one count of disorderly conduct, said Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. The hoax charge is a felony, she said.

Both men were arrested Wednesday evening. According to his Web site, Berdovsky is a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art and a founding member of a video artists group called Glitch who goes by the nickname "Zebbler" and sings in a band called "Superfiction."

Authorities believe Berdovsky was "in the employ of other individuals" as part of the marketing campaign, Coakley said. "How exactly this was executed, we are still investigating." Berdovsky is scheduled for arraignment at 9 a.m. Thursday in Charlestown District Court.

So two young guys are arrested for trying out a clever, if not entirely thought through, idea just because a few people in Boston law enforcement got this one WAY wrong. Ok, where exactly do we draw the line? When do we finally say enough is enough? While I give you that the marketing ploy could have been better researched, perhaps announced via standard media, is it really something worthy of criminal prosecution?

I'm sorry, but I have let my inner punk kid out on this one and say that the Boston AG, Homeland Security, and anyone else who got caught looking foolish on this one needs to chill out and move on.


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