Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Be Cool

What is the next best thing to eliminating Republican obstinance when it comes to Global Climate change? Answer: A marketing firm, a lot of cash, and some young celebrities.

Global Cool is a new organization/movement which is seeking to get people to switch off those lights, turn off that TV, and turn down their heat in order to do their part to reduce Co2 emmissions and reduce the threat posed by global climate change.

Some interesting ideas from their website are:
Unplug that charger - Most gadget chargers eat electricity even when not in use. So once you've powered up your PSP, iPod or mobile, be sure to power down its greedy little charger.

Stuff the freezer - Freezers work best when they are tightly packed - that way, they don't have to work so hard to freeze air space. A great way to justify some extra tubs of ice cream.

Buy local food - Veg from a mile away is just as tasty as veg from half the world away and doesn't have to be flown to you in energy-guzzling airplanes.
It's an interesting approach, one that could help reduce future consumption. Unfortunately, no amount of personal conservation will make up for the trillions of tonnes of Co2 emissions that industry produces every year. But if the campaign can get more people to focus on what they can do to reduce their environmental impact on the world, perhaps it will get them to pay more attention to the environmental views of their elected representatives.


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