Tuesday, January 23, 2007

State of the Union Reaction

Ok, so I'm watching the President sign autographs and I'm reviewing the highlights of the speech, but here are a few points I took away from the whole event.

- Madam Speaker ... Ahhhhh, that just sounds so good these days.

- Balancing the budget "Good," Without raising taxes "Not Likely" and needs to stop being talked about. We're the second lowest taxed country in the world, so let's stop complaining.

- No Child Left Behind is BAD, so let's stop touting it as a success

- I'm impressed the President acknowledged Global Climate Change. I'm impressed the President suggested that an immediate need for alternative fuels is required. But then again, we heard that last year and what did we get? So can we finally sign Kyoto?

- His health care plan confused me greatly. Exactly how do I get the break? Where do we make back the money we're giving away to pay the government's bills? And how does this tax break lower insurance premiums?

- What's the deal with this new volunteer civil non-military guard? What, we do the work without guns or military training?

- Consequences, consequences, consequences ... Mr. President, you've tried to tell us about the consequences of failure in the Middle East. You put us here, Mr. President with lies ... wait, I'm sorry ... with failures in intelligence. And now, after you gave us "bad information" we're suppose to trust you now? Give it up, GW. The more you talk about it, the more we tune you out. We do not trust you and you need to get that. Change is required, and if we could hold another presidential election, we would.

- NBA Star - Good Story, "Baby Einstein" - Bad Story, Subway Hero - Good Story, Wounded Veteran - Honorable Story but too obvious a political ploy.

- Final Score: 2 out of possible 5


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