Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fresh Off a "This Week" Appearance, HFJ is Tapped to Lead DLC

For all those Harold Ford, Jr. lovers and haters out there, a little tid-bit off the Daily Kos talking about an article from Radar magazine. Looks like HFJ is about to get himself a leadership position in the DLC. At least, that was the case before the memo was leaked. In any event, from the looks of the memo it shows that the DLC will continue to be a mouth piece for the Clintons, specifically Senator Hillary Clinton and her 2008 presidential run.

"I assume there will be an effort to help Senator Clinton's campaign and I would support such an effort."

Not that we didn't already know she was running, but isn't the bigger news of this memo that HFJ has already decided the DLC is supporting Senator Clinton's presidential bid even though she, herself, hasn't confirmed she's running? Heck, I'm not sure if there is really any news at all in this story, but I know all you HFJ lovers and haters out enjoy good political gossip. We now return you to our regularly scheduled crisis already in progress.


At 8:42 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

Bush makes me want to throw up and I do literally mean throw up. I couldn't even get myself to watch his speech last night, but I did watch the morning news to catch the so-called highlights of it. He now wants to say that he made mistakes and blah, blah, blah. What I want to say is shut the F**K UP!! He wants to spend 6 billion more dollars on top of the other billions while people like me are scrapping to survive with no health insurance. Folks devasted from Hurricane Katrina are still struggling like it happpened yesterday even though it's going on two years. Our education system is a mess, yet we pay teachers some of the lowest professional pay in the country. I keep singing in my head the song, "The Message"...."it's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under!!"


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