Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Oh Boy, Here We Go Again...

As if 2008 speculation wasn't enough, now bloggers and the press have started speculating about 2010! Kleinheider over at got wind of an article over at The Hill that cites "sources with knowledge" who say Bill Frist has all but decided to run for governor in 2010.

Waiting three to eight years before making a gubernatorial or presidential bid would provide Frist needed distance from his unenviable tenure as Senate majority leader, a period that culminated in the Democrats’ takeover of Congress last November.

Such a significant layoff would also allow Frist to distance himself from allegations of conflict of interest involving his ownership of stock in Hospital Corporation of America, a company founded by his brother and father, allegations that could have further derailed his White House hopes this year.

Lest we not forget last February, when the good doctor from Tennessee did a video tape diagnosis of Terry Schiavo from his Senate office. As quoted from the

"I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office," he said in a lengthy speech in which he quoted medical texts and standards. "She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli."

His comments raised eyebrows in medical and political circles alike. It is not every day that a high-profile physician relies on family videotapes to challenge the diagnosis of doctors who examined a severely brain-damaged patient in person.

Listen, I welcome Bill Frist into the fight that will be the governor's race of 2010. With the stink of Bush all over him, his connection with the fall of the Republican party in the Senate, and his thorough medical knowledge (remember his AIDS comments on "This Week with George Stephanopolous") I'm sure ol' Billy will have no problem taking this state by storm.

But personally, I just wish he'd go back to the non-partisan world of heart surgery where it doesn't matter what your political affiliation is, just what insurance card you have. If you have even any insurance at all.


At 9:06 AM, Blogger Sean Braisted said...

If I had to choose between Frist and Blackburn, I'd have to give the edge to Frist. Hopefully Democrats can produce a great candidate by 2010 who can compete against Frist.

Right now, nobody comes to mind. I've heard Lincoln Davis' name banded about, but I'm worried his campaign style might not fit into the mold of what Tennessee Governors have been. Perhaps Purcell, but he doesn't have the Statewide name recognition that Frist has.

All things considered, its going to be an uphill battle to keep the Governor's seat in 2010 unless we come up with a top tier candidate fast.


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