Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Here we are...phonebanking

UPDATE: Phone banking at the DCDP Headquarters has been cancelled. Thanks to all those interested and we encourage anyone and everyone with a phone to call 10 people you know and make sure they voted!!! Thanks again and we'll see you soon.

We are over at the new Davidson County Democratic Party headquarters tonight calling young voters in Davidson County to remind them to early vote (you can still early vote until Thursday) or vote on Tuesday, September 11th. We are also asking them if they would like to be involved in the Davidson County Young Democrats.

It isn't has hard or intimidating as it sounds so you could come on out to join us! Remember, we are calling people who already vote for Democrats.

If you are interested in helping out we will be here tomorrow night and Thursday from 5:30-7:30 pm. The doors lock after 6 pm so write this number down, call it and someone will come let you in the building. DCDP Headquarters: 354-5400.


This phone bank will NOT be to promote or endorse specific candidates but is strictly to encourage and remind young voters to exercise their right to vote in this local election.

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