Monday, July 23, 2007

College Republicans & War

During the last meal of the 2007 YDA National Convention, this video popped up on the screen. It looks like The Nation's Max Blumenthal is starting to get noticed on the blogs. Must See TV!


At 9:01 PM, Blogger Joltin' Django said...

Blah, blah, blah ... !

Resolved: Hillary, Obama, and Edwards have more in common with Karl Marx than Adam Smith.

Yes or no? Explain.

At 7:12 AM, Blogger Sean Braisted said...

Neither, and I will explain.

Karl Marx and Adam Smith wrote their writings in the 18th and 19th centuries respectively. Their economic theories, while somewhat relevant, were not written in a world with the same interconnectivity that we have today.

Global trade took weeks and months, not hours. The industrial revolution had not yet begun under Smith, and was still in it's infancy under Marx.

Medicines and medical treatments were at the time often more deadly than the diseases themselves.

Education was almost entirely vocational for the vast majority, with only a small elite getting any sort of liberal education.

There was no such thing as television, the internet, instant communications, etc...

You, my friend, are living in the 18th and 19th century, whereas Obama and Clinton are attempting to move us into the 21st century. You live in a world where it was perfectly acceptable to allow a person to die of a treatable disease if they did not have the financial resources, whereas Democrats live in a world where a rich nation does not allow people to die before it is their time.

You live in a class-based world where poor people are meant to live like shit, and the wealthy are the only ones to enjoy the creature comforts of life.

Are Democrats more like Karl Marx or Adam Smith? It doesn't matter; Democrats are more like the American people. Democrats believe it is cruel and unusual punishment to damn a person to disease, early death, and hardship because of some economic theory about an invisible hand.

You can continue to live in your black and white world of communist versus capitalist, and in doing so you will be left behind in the free-market place of ideas. Meanwhile, Democrats will continue to support a free market world, while at the same time insuring that the backs of the working class are not broken in the process.

At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow you people are so damn naive. democrats could give a rats ass (speaking about the politicians) or republicans, hell any politician with any kind of federal power could give a shit less about anyone that isn't benefiting them. how can one benefit from "helping" the people? and sean braisted, democrats don't support a "free market" world when a damn good bit of them voted for the bail outs. i'm not pointing fingers left or right. we're all screwed in one way or another. open your eyes wide and see! if you have been paying attention to anything that's been going on, you'll understand that tyranny is among us and we're headed deep down the rabbit hole. take this anyway you want, but shrug it off, then you'll be sorry.


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