Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Briley Jumps In

The race for Nashville Mayor got a little more crowded today, as David Briley announced he will be abandoning his run for Vice-Mayor, instead opting for the more prestigious spot. David Briley is currently a second term At Large councilman, and is one of the more "progressive" members of the council. While this is a non-partisan race, there are clearly those who are Democrats and those who are Republicans. On the Democratic side along with Briley, are Vice Mayor Howard Gentry and former US 5th District Rep. Bob Clement. On the Republican side, is At Large councilman Buck Dozier.

In his announcement declaring his candidacy, Briley said, “Nashville has a clear choice." "We can act boldly to claim the exceptional future on the horizon, or we can sit back and be overtaken by the past. The opportunity for success is too great to rest. The cost of being overtaken by the past demands bold action. We must rise to this challenge. Together, we must claim Nashville’s future.”

Briley also addressed a topic which might appeal to young people, and that is the need to improve the technology infrastructure of Nashville.
“Nashville’s economic future depends upon our ability to attract and nurture entrepreneurs in the economy of ideas,” he said, vowing to make the city a “center of excellence in the idea economy.” “The next iPod should be developed by a Nashville entrepreneur,” said Briley. “A Maplewood student could transform our educational system. Our technological infrastructure must be unmatched. It’s a future we can all see. Working together with our creators, educators, entrepreneurs and business leaders, we must claim economic opportunity for all Nashvillians."
The race for Nashville Mayor will be in August of 2007, along with the race for Vice Mayor as well as 5 open At-Large seats and the rest of the Metro Council. If nobody gets a majority in the initial election, there will be a run-off held for the two highest vote getters.


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