Monday, April 23, 2007

At Least They Vote

Remember all the hoopla that Conservatives and the Bush Administration created over France not wanting to join the fight to free Iraq? You know, "Freedom Fries" and all that jazz. Well, France just did what America hasn't done in over 120 years: had over 80% voter turnout in a presidential election. 84.6% to be exact.

In fact, the United States of America hasn't topped over 60% since the 1960's. Since 1980, the average turnout among American voters has been 52.37% in presidential years. With over 300,000,000 people now living in the United States (OK, 280,000,000 legally), just barely over half that feels compelled to decide who runs the show. For country that is supposedly "spreading democracy" across the world, we sure are forgetful about exercising it here at home.

With the local elections of Metro Council, Vice-Mayor, and Mayor continuing to draw closer, remember that every vote counts, and every election is important. Each time you vote, you renew your faith in democracy. Our representative government may not be perfect, but it does give all people a voice. When we give up that voice, even on the local level, we lose a little piece of ourselves.

Brave American men and women don't die on the battlefields of this Earth so that we can simply complain about how we don't like our laws, our taxes, our rights or lack there of. They have died so that we could stand up, be heard, and vote for those people who would do the best job possible to make our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, and our country the best they can be.

So from now until Election Day, stop yelling your opinion and start listening to the candidates. Stop assuming they're all the same and start asking the tough questions. Get registered, get involved, and when it comes time: VOTE!


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