Friday, March 30, 2007

What Local Issues Matter to You in 2007

In the coming weeks and months, the candidates for Metro Council, Vice-Mayor, and Mayor are going to be meeting and greeting with the people to explain why they deserve our votes this summer. Of registered voters in Nashville, over 1/3 are under the age of 35, meaning that young voters are an important part of the voting population.

So we want to know what's important to you. A better, more accessible mass transit system? Protection of more historic areas of town? Better schools with adequate funding? Public access WiFi for all? Kyoto protocols applied on the local level? More tourist focus? More sports teams? More affordable housing? We want to know what you want?

Tell us what issues matter this year and what questions you'll be wanting answered before you push the button in August. Write us your questions and concerns at and help us hold the candidates accountable in 2007.


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